Be selfish and start building your Karmic Corpus Fund.

Karmic Ledger

Why do we do financial planning? 

We save in banks, invest in stocks, real estate, gold, etc., 

We create emergency funds, education funds and marriage funds for children, retirement funds, and so on. 

We build houses, plant trees, and leave tremendous legacies. 

Most of us know that we cannot fully enjoy all those. Still, we do what we want to do. Often we tend to become extra greedy in the name of children, spouse, and future generations, which we will not even know and see. 

All such people look selfish but they are truly selfless persons! Because they don’t care about building a real fund they can claim in their next birth also!

But seldom do we worry about our next certain future and create a Karmic Corpus Fund .

If we zoom out and see the big picture, we will quickly realize that we are part of something much more significant. 

  • We came into existence on this planet for a cause. 
  • We had a birth before. 
  • We are most likely to have another birth.
  • When our Karmic fund had positive balance, we can draw from it and can stay protected
  • When our Karmic fund shows a negative balance, we will start suffering physically and mentally  

There is no need to ask for any rational evidence. Because, by the time this point is ‘rationally’ proved, you would have had ten births or more!   

The is no need to perform elaborate religious rituals and pilgrimages to attain moksha or build a Karmic corpus. 

Just zoom out and believe that everything is happening because of a remarkable predisposition of God. During this lifetime, all relations we make or break happen for a precise cause: Settle our previous karmic balance and create a positive balance.

When we understand that we are born as humans to achieve a higher purpose, we begin to see things differently. Our outlook and orientation will change along with our behaviour. 

All expectations from our relationships also change automatically. 

Imagine you come across someone:

  • During one-hour flight travel
  • A twelve-hour train journey.
  • A three-day cruise journey. 
  • At your neighbourhood. 
  • At your workplace. 
  • Or in your family. 

The duration of the journey determines the kind of relationship you maintain with that person. 

In case of a flight journey, you may not even want to talk to the person next to you. If it is a train journey, you may pick up a quarrel even for a bit of reason. At your workplace, you want to be extra patient. Why? Because you know. You may have to deal with the same person for a much more extended period.

Zoom in: You will become microscopic and nitpicking. You start developing multiple expectations. 

Zoom-out: Your vision becomes broader, and you will focus more on tomorrow. Our vision will be different with a naked eye, a microscope, a telescope, and a while using a satellite lens. See it once with a satellite lens. 

You will realize that you will most likely meet the same people in your next birth if you leave your karmic account unsettled. No doubt, seeing with a satellite lens and getting adjusted to a broader view will take a significant effort and time. It takes lots of action and practice. But the light will surely emerge.

There is no need to attribute this to any particular doctrine.

Lord Sri Krishna told the same thing. Saibaba said the same. Gautama Buddha said the same. Adi Shankaracharya said the same. Do what you are supposed to do and continue to be detached from the outcome. Some people have manipulated and distorted the original message. 

Now comes the question: If both God and the previous birth existed, why did God wipe all the memories? We may use it to plan better. Well, it may not be. Most people misuse the knowledge and try to settle the score themselves. It is a blindfolded game, and it is best left that way. Be assured that there is a scoreboard a ledger, and the persons managing them are very diligent and prudent.

Are you torturing someone or harming someone? Be watchful. You will get an instant-karma debit. Is someone hurting you? The same outcome. How soon is “instant”? Maybe a year or two. It depends on the intensity of damage inflicted on the other person and the previous karmic ledger position. Indeed it hits back during this lifetime.

Are you helping someone? You are either building a Karmic credit or settling past due. Be assured.

Conditioning your brain for Karmic balance accumulation will significantly improve your relations and credibility. Once the idea syncs in, there will be very few ruptures, pre-mature breaks in ties. In the long term, term the compassion sets in, and we will deepen the bonding. 

This understanding is what is missing in our society today. 

Feel the Karmic balance and make efforts to accumulate a credit balance. 

When you can be selfless and earn money you don’t enjoy, you can be a bit selfish and create some karmic treasures for your next birth. It doesn’t cost anything. When you practice spiritual leadership and compassion, the account keeps getting credited every second. 

Best Wishes


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