Online teaching platforms 101. How to teach and become rich

online teaching platforms

All about online teaching platforms.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online classes?

Learning effectiveness

Well, we need to forget about the offline classes for some more time.

No doubt, traditional classrooms look like a convenient option. But we can create online courses which are very engaging and effective.

We can blend various modern instructional design methods with technology. The outcome will be a compelling and engaging course.

Most people feel that online classes are boring.

But if we create courses with modern teaching methods, the courses can be super fun.

We can use exciting concepts to engage further and entertain students. You can use animation, video, interactive elements, cartoons, quotes, quizzes, polls, etc.,

Some advanced online learning platforms have exciting features like Facebook & Quora.

Social learning can boost subject understanding.

Teachers can enroll in unlimited students. Yet, they need to spend only <10% of the time interacting with the students.

So it is a very scalable and economic model. You can invest your time to enhance the existing courses or create new courses.

Please read our post covering full details on online teaching platforms and setting up online courses

We have created a course, especially for teachers who want to use technology and progress.

This course teaches several secrets of creating bestselling courses.

For more details, visit

What are the online teaching platforms for teachers in India?

Online teaching opportunities are everywhere.

They are starting from Kindergarten to primary schools, K12, higher secondary. This also includes the up-skilling/re-skilling of working professionals.

There are many online teaching platforms offering support for instructors. The following are the platforms. There may be many more, but these are the most popular ones.


Please read our post covering full details on online teaching platforms and setting up online courses

We have created a course, especially for teachers who want to use technology and progress.

This course teaches several secrets of creating bestselling courses.

For more details, visit

Visit our best selling e-learning course for teachers The DigiGuru plus

Which app is best for online classes

There are many online teaching platforms offering support for instructors. The following are the platforms. There may be many more, but these are the most popular ones.


Please read our post covering full details on online teaching platforms and setting up online courses

We have created a course, especially for teachers who want to use technology and progress.

This course teaches several secrets of creating bestselling courses.

For more details, visit

Visit our best selling e-learning course for teachers The DigiGuru plus

How to give live classes online

You need the following to get started:

Computer / laptop with mic and camera
Internet connection
Subscription to online video conference apps like
Good lesson plan
Powerpoint presentation (optional but recommended)

Most importantly, students who are interested in your classes!

Please read our post covering full details on online teaching platforms and setting up online courses

We have created a course, especially for teachers who want to use technology and progress.

This course teaches several secrets of creating bestselling courses.

For more details, visit

Visit our best selling e-learning course for teachers The DigiGuru plus

How to make online classes interesting?

Modern learning experience management platforms offer several options such as:

Modern instructional design methods
Use of technology to increase tracking and engagement
Modern teaching methods to make the class a super fun session.
Use of interesting concepts like animation, video, interactive elements, cartoons, quotes, quizzes, polls and etc,
Use of social learning : Groups, forums like Facebook and other Q&A features like Quora.
Mobile learning
Self-paced learning
Periodic assessments
Periodic tracking
Online connects at regular intervals
Ability to monitor the progress and intervene / support if required
Personalised interventions based on learning style
Personalised learning path based on what needs to be learnt

Please read our post covering full details on online teaching platforms and setting up online courses

We have created a course, especially for teachers who want to use technology and progress.

This course teaches several secrets of creating bestselling courses.

For more details, visit

Visit our best selling e-learning course for teachers The DigiGuru plus

How to record online classes

Assuming you want to create self-paced e-learning courses, you need the following equipment:

Calm and quiet room without much of ambient noise
Green screen background (optional but preferred)
A good three point lighting system
Good mic (the most important of all)
Curriculum and teaching plan in Powerpoint or the equivalent

Please read our post covering full details on online teaching platforms and setting up online courses

We have created a course, especially for teachers who want to use technology and progress.

This course teaches several secrets of creating bestselling courses.

For more details, visit

Visit our best selling e-learning course for teachers The DigiGuru plus

What is better online classes or classroom?

Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. This post is particularly meant for adults who want to learn to improve their job prospects.

+ Face to face interaction
+ Engagement and bonding with students
– Should spent dedicated time for each class
– Students and teachers should stick to pre-set timelines
– Limited number of students
– Not scalable
– Limited use of technology
– Limited ways of engaging with students

Online Class

+Use of modern instructional design methods to increase engagement
+Use of technology to create very powerful courses.
+Modern teaching methods to make the class a super fun session.
+Use of interesting concept like animation, video, interactive elements, cartoons, quotes, quizzes, polls and etc,
+Use of social learning : Groups, forums like Facebook and other Q&A features like Quora.
+Mobile learning
+Self-paced learning
+Personalised interventions based on learning style
+Unlimited students
+Highly scalable
+Gives teachers time to invest time productively to enhance the existing courses or create new courses


– Can be boring if not designed well
– Limited face to face interaction

Please read our post covering full details on online teaching platforms and setting up online courses

We have created a course, especially for teachers who want to use technology and progress.

This course teaches several secrets of creating bestselling courses.

For more details, visit

Visit our best selling e-learning course for teachers The DigiGuru plus

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