Personality development secrets unleashed – 1

Personality development

Personality Development Series : Part 1

The world is changing rapidly. Most of the skillsets we use today will be irrelevant very soon. Several jobs that exist today will be extinct.  AI-powered apps and robots will replace all of them.

The corona pandemic has fast-tracked most of these developments. COVID-19 is rewriting the rules of the game, and AI is automating them. Acute talent deficiency is another pandemic all of us will face very soon.

Ok. Let us park the topic of pandemics for some time and talk about our eyesight. Here is a quick overview of our sight.

What is your Eye-Sight?

The average human eyesight is around 20 by 20. People with 20/30 vision don’t get a driving license in most countries. Anything around 20/1000 is considered blindness. No light perception is called total blindness. On the contrary, hawks have a 20/2 vision.

Now, what about our Mindsight?

Is it 20/20? More? If so, is it sufficient? The answer is no to all questions.

The ‘Mindsight’ of an average corporate worker will be around 20/800. Yes, 20/800. That means near blindness or no light perception. In this case, it is called ‘no data perception.’ They cannot comprehend what they see. The ability to make sense of data and information is almost negligible. They cannot sense even an avalanche until it fully hits them. This condition is called ‘mind blindness’.

Some of the world’s massive fires could have been controlled with just two mugs of water, had they been detected at the right time.

If you are not convinced, let us estimate the mindsight of the key functionaries in our governments. What does the corona situation tell us? Do you agree that they had a chance to detect this early and prevent the spread of COVID-19?

In our next post, we will find out how to adjust our mind sight.

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