Total Delight

Put your courses on cloud.
Your students on cloud 9.

The most advanced learning experience platform

Best in class LMS with several options for course engagement. Instructor front end for course creation. Student and instructor dashboards. Collaborate with co instructors. Create learning paths

Social learning

Create groups, forums and involve students

Highest Security

DRM based videos, most secure platform, high availability


Provide gamified experience to students. Assign rewards, points.

Show progress ,engage students. Show learderboards.

Engagement options

We have a plethora of options to engage students. You can configure the following Groups Forums Built in chat Built in email Launch Zoom meetings from inside the class. Create unlimited quizzes and assignments. Provide drip content. Create polls Create in-video quizzes

Marketing Support

Get 5x more customers

Create coupons, store credits, popup boxes. Create upsells and cross sells, bundle products. . Automate marketing mails.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our clients say

Fabulous Experience. LMS has all options to engage students
team 3 1
Awesome. This is a fusion of speed , security and features. The best experience.
team 4 1
Ravi E