Why Low-Content Products are Powerful Motivational Tools

Low-content products, like ready-made templates, workbooks, journals, or logs, contain limited content but can produce unlimited results and motivation – for you, and the customer. Their short, powerful messages, images, or tasks are proven to spur people into action. And because they are so easy to produce, you’ll be motivated to create more and boost your income.

Motivate Your Customers

Low-content products can be a valuable resource for customers who want to stay motivated and make progress in their business or personal life.

Customers love low-content products because they require little effort to consume, they’re interactive, and these products can summarize key points in a fraction of the time it would take to read a book.

For example, someone might choose to purchase a time management journal over a full-length book because it provides a quick way to produce measurable change in their lives.

They can read 1-2 lines of advice, or a quote, a question, or a summary of action steps in a just few minutes. They can then journal about it, putting what they’ve learned into their own words – which is proven to be the most powerful way to retain new material. 

The daily wins and the visible progress will motivate them to keep going and continue purchasing.

Low-Content Motivational Products  

  • To-Do List
  • Checklist
  • Template outlining a specific task
  • Budget Spreadsheet
  • Habit Tracker

Low-content products can also serve as a great lead magnet or add-on to your current products or services – especially if you’re a coach or consultant. Reinforce your key messages with a low-content product and help your clients get inspired and achieve success. This creates a positive association with you and your brand. You will then reap the benefits.

Motivate Yourself

Low-content products can also propel you towards success. They are an excellent way to supplement your income, attract new leads, reinforce key teachings, boost how much people spend at check out, and so much more.

And you can experience these benefits almost instantly because low-content products are so easy to create. Success breeds success, and the quick returns you’ll experience will encourage you to keep moving forward.

Low-content products are incredibly motivating. Seeing something completed and ready to sell in such a short period of time will inspire you to reach greater heights in all aspects of your business.

Low-Content Motivation for Creators

Low-content products require…

  • Very little time. Go from idea generation to sales within a few days.
  • Minimal technical knowledge. Easily create your low-content products in applications you are already familiar with.
  • Minimal upfront investment. You can create a low-content product at practically zero cost. Or, outsource their creation at an affordable price.
  • No inventory. If your low-content product is in digital format, you’ll never run out, experience shipping delays, or invest significant funds up front. Even if you produce a physical version, you can wait until the orders come in and print on demand.

The uncomplicated nature and fast turnaround of low-content products can motivate you, and your customers, to reach higher levels of success.

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