Teach online on SkillCulture. Your knowledge will rave
The knowledge you gained over years is supposed to be vibrant and infectious. It is not expected to sit down in a corner.
How does your knowledge RAVE? When it is Readable, Audible, Visible, and Earnable.
Inviting all professionals to join me in my mission called SkillCulture™ and teach online.
Just the way our rural economy is based on agriculture, it is time for the urban economy to shine with skill culture. The world is facing acute skill gap. With so many new normals getting defined, there is an acute need to re-imagine the way the world functions. It should be fresh re-imagination with an equally strong re-engineering. This re-engineering requires re-skilling.
What happens when you become a skill culturist? When you take up a digital skill culture, you are helping a deserving candidate in a semi urban and rural India. This is a first step towards achieving the talent equilibrium.
Read our post on how to teach online
Consider taking our upcoming course The DigiGuru on how to teach online on our learning portal
Are you planning to teach online? Visit the mentor intro section and give us basic details. We will get back to you .